Monday, May 29, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Two articles in the Post today regarding two different kind of home issues. The first one (in the Metro section) concerned Central Union Mission’s plans to build a homeless shelter in an area of DC that is currently being gentrified from its seedy, run-down former life. Current residents there – both long-time and new – are protesting strongly. They claim lower property values and attraction of the former elements into the neighborhood as reasons why they don’t want the shelter there. Can’t say I blame them. When has the presence of a shelter raised property values, attracted any desirable elements or increased the safety of the particular area? I’d be out protesting if the same were considered in my neighborhood. I pay the rent I do, in part, because I don’t want be anywhere near the dregs of my society. I don’t care how they got there, that’s their problem. I don’t want to be reminded that a chunk of my tax dollars has in fact perpetuated the conditions that those tax-supported social programs were supposed to eliminate. Call it elitist or whatever, I don’t care.

The second article concerns the renovation of old buildings in alleys in DC – to be used as private dwellings – and how these owners are running into zoning problems. DC has an old law prohibiting the use of alley buildings for residences, dating back to a time when there actually were good reasons against that use. There was a time in which there were essentially shanty towns plugged into alleys (without plumbing – you draw the icky sanitary conclusions). Um, but those days are over and the zoning laws have not kept pace with the advent of indoor plumbing and heating, not to mention creative and perseverant home owners (some have to constantly discourage public urination, defecation, etc. in these alleys). Now, these folks are basically taking abandoned or decrepit buildings and giving them new life – and I would think, raising the property values in the area, generally. So…what’s the problem? It’s DC, folks. Draw your own conclusions. Or read the article and draw your own conclusions.

Incidentally, a smelly female vagrant solicited a dollar from me at my CVS. I said no. I should have said, “no, go find a liberal who gives a damn about your sorry, stinky life to give you a dollar so you can buy your smokes. And for the record, this is isn’t Southeast DC, so kindly find your way back.” That, or “so, when do I get to live off your labors, indefinitely?” “Pay any taxes lately?” “A year from now, will you still be in the same disgusting condition?” “I guess you must be pissed that illegal Hispanics are stealing your fire, eh?”

Friday, May 26, 2006

Woman Dumps Baby to Keep Boyfriend

A few days ago the Post (or as Michelle Malkin refers to it, "WaPo") ran this story, about a woman who has a baby in the bathroom, puts the girl in a bag and throws her in the garbage. So that her boyfriend won't dump her. Because the baby is a result of someone else's sperm donation.

To get an idea of callousness of this female read this:
At the autopsy the next day, a gruesome discovery was made, another detective testified. A mass of tissue paper, two inches long and an inch in diameter, was found deep in the baby's throat. (Washington Post, 5/24/06)

The new boyfriend unwittingly cleaned up the afterbirth, having no clue what it was. He had to have an interpreter translate his testimony in court. Both of these winners are probably illegals. Do we really need more of the same in this country? Callous baby-killers? Ignorant, irresponsible peasants? Legalize them? Be legally responsible (in the welfare state sense) for a huge, burgeoning and uncontrollable underclass?

Immigration bill hell

Senate immigration bill approved; in the words of the Borg Queen, "watch your futures end." This bill is going to be disastrous.

National Review Online opines on the bill.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ignorant 3rd world hookers reject HIV meds

Again, we (as in, the US) are portrayed as Evil Empire, exploiting the Noble Poor. Prostitutes in Cambodia reject trials of tenofovir, an AIDS coctail drug with promise in fending off HIV infection if taken (by pill) daily. They organize and march against the trials, which are withdrawn and researchers thrown out of the country. Never mind that this drug has been thru testing and is currently being used to treat AIDS patients in this country. But these esteemed and well-read sex professionals (read: sparked up by such winners as ACT UP and other outside activist groups), don't wish to be used as lab animals. Uh-huh. Read the whole article and see support for just letting the 3rd world implode with disease and stupidity.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Vindication for conscientious

Here's an article about the local United Way, in trouble again. This time the CFO, hired to clean up things, leaves the org because of spurious practices of her bosses, that they were trying to get her to carry out. She said no. Board says she's disgruntled, but I'm inclined to believe her (without any evidence to the contrary) - and heck, if she's disgruntled, maybe it's because she couldn't do her job without pressure to do otherwise. Let's say, the circumstances ring true to me and it always pays to document well.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

This is how much I count as a good customer

Great. I give my credit card to a local restaurant that we've frequented FOR YEARS in our neighborhood and my card is rejected. Now, gentle readers, do you think that it's because I'm delinquent on my payments? That's a big NO. I usually pay my whole balance each month. I'm regular as rain and taxes. Do you think that I'm over my limit? That's a big NO pardner, I know damn well what my limit is and I'm nowhere near it. Do you think it's because I've made some charges that may be viewed as suspicious? Maybe. A large purchase for household items...yet I reported my change of address weeks ago to my credit card company. So...might it follow that I'm just buying things for our new domicile. Yet, when I call my dear credit card company, they inform me that it's because I changed my business phone on one of the sites. Yet, I've left my home phone unchanged. This is the same home phone I've had FOR TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. Yet a change of my business phone is cause for alarm. And they're just looking out for fraud. My ass.

Yes, I'm embarrassed because I'm lumped with all the knuckleheads who are delinquent on their payments, who hope that the charge will go thru anyway as if by magic. I'm pissed because my buying power is being questioned. I'm not going to school full-time to get thru this stupid degree quicker because I want to live like a human being who's paid her dues over and fucking over again and all I want to do is pay for our dinner with my credit card. You're giving me trouble while LEGIONS get away with real fraud. Congratulations. You caught me.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Listen up

Read an interesting article today in the Post about how some (in this case, a priest) are advising Nicaraguans and Hondorans to renew their TPS (Temporary Protected Status) before the June 1st deadline so they can remain in this country legally. Now, whatever you think of the particular legislation (or it's repeated renewability), it's at least a legal vehicle by which some folks can stay and work here. And, it's refreshing that some are making an effort to get advise those in their sphere of influence to do the legal thing. With some of the targets, at least, it's making an impression. However, with many, it appears that there is this dumb optimism, encouraged in part by Bush and his wishy-washiness on immigration, that they can just wait it out until amnesty is bestowed upon them. Like, it'll happen just like that, any day now. Uh-huh. Do we really need more ignorant peasants in our country? Don't we have enough dumbasses as it is?

In praise of suit jackets

Today I participated in a Board meeting where I work. I had the good sense (unlike other times which shall fall into a memory hole) to wear a suit with jacket. Of course I was nervous and started to sweat immediately - however my trusty jacket (dark blue) covered evidence of my (constant) sweating. Renee finally got a clue as to why (besides decorum) folks always wear their suit jacket to meetings and functions. Yep, I'm kinda slow, but glad for the lesson to finally sink in.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Our house

Really, it's an apartment. But this time around, we're trying to have a theme and actually decorate it with that theme - instead of the themeless, half-baked college attempt at adult living.

Just yesterday we received some nifty leaning bookshelves, thanks to Jeff's parents (thanks guys!) and with their assembly and use (the bookshelves, not the parents), the place is starting to look - well - cool. Next, coffee tables from Target on the way. Never have ordered anything from them before, but if they work out, I might be going to the site again. Target actually has some cool stuff.

More on the minimalist Asian-inspired living room as it develops.

Column I can't link to

For those of you who have the May 22nd National Review lying around, there's a very funny The Long View, a satire column by Rob Long, about immigration. I took a quick long at the online version of the mag, but wasn't able to raise it, so no link. Basically it's a spoof of what our "intake centers" look like these days. Sample quote:
If you answered YES to either of the above questions: Congratulations! Your civil rights have been violated and you are eligible to participate in two class-action suits against the federal government. Please wave over a member of the Rights & Services Support Staff - recognizable by their sequined jump-suits - and point frantically to this section until you are handed money.

Clearly spoofy, but then a year ago I wouldn't have believed that illegals would be marching around my country demanding rights. Go figure.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Muslims in American Society

Not a whole dissertation, but a few comments. A few days ago I read an article about the creation/concept of Muslim sororities at colleges. Then while working out the other day at the gym, I spy a hijab'd woman taking a step aerobics class. And, of course, there are plenty of head-scarf girls at my small Catholic college.

Now, it seems to me that these things may be a sign of assimilation with the larger American society and culture, not necessarily an invasion. As long as those proposed sororities aren't havens or incubators for know where I'm going with that...can't Muslim girls socialize and join clubs that mirror their interest and sensibilities? Sure, why not? Can't a woman wearing a head-scarf exercise beside one in a t-shirt and shorts? Sure, why not? As long as both accommodate the other's presence. Can we as a culture accommodate difference in the individuals who make up that culture? Sure, we're good at it.

And the fact is, we have been doing that since our inception - accommodating differences. And yeh, Muslims have been assimilating for years - 9/11 brought the malevolent ones to the fore-front. I guess I just found it interesting and not necessarily threatening, these manifestations of faith(?) in the everyday.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Posting While Applying Make-up

I'm happy to report that I received an "A" for my Chemistry efforts! Yeah! Now, I'm totally free!

It's going to be rainy and 66 degrees out which makes me just want to go back to sleep in my cozy and dry bed instead of braving the elements. You know, (on a another random thought) I think I'll pick up a bunch of umbrellas today as I'm so likely to lose or destroy them. Might as well have a supply.

My herb seeds have sprouted. That's not code for anything, I just planted basil, etc, seeds and they're already showing and growing towards the sun in our lovely southeastern-exposed window.

Evidently, (according to DH Jeff), there's an article in the Post today about backlash regarding those stupid illegal marches. I'll have to link to it later, but must scurry to work.


Later: here's the link to the story referred to above. Shows all immigrants are not of the same mind as the marchers.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Phone Calls, Meetings, Double Booking & Tai Shan

I don't really like talking on the phone. I actually run out of things to say & if I like the person would much rather be chatting with them in person over wine and cheese. If I don't really care for the person, then a brief email would suffice. Come to think of it, emails suffice in most situations. There's a limit to my attention span - to my own ramblings as well - and I find it hard to just listen without actually seeing the person.

Mostly, this is how I feel about meetings in general. Most discussion items can effectively be covered in an email. There's no need for me to actually see you face to face. Now, if I like you then the wine-n-cheese model works just fine (or should) and we can cover business in about the first 2 minutes, then proceed to gossip, chatting, and in-depth analysis of the themes of redemption in the series "Angel." Truthfully, that last part only applies to DH Jeff, but I'm willing to entertain others' participation. Hey, I was a religion major, but I guess then we were discussing dharma and cosmology. Same deal, really. Meetings that go for more than 30 minutes (well, really, 15 minutes) really just try my patience and make me sleepy. Especially when the whole point of the meeting is to make yourself seem more important than the insect you really are - and aren't we all in the big scheme of things? To think otherwise is to kid yourself.

Now, there is another thing that's come up lately in my human interactions that I find rather offensive. That is the whole "double-booking" concept. A friend gets together with you only to have to rush off to some party or other get-together. That just makes me think that the next thing is so much more fun and interesting than being with me and mine. And if that's the case, then please, by all means, don't bother with me - go straight to your party or other plans. Frankly, it's insulting. No one has to feel that they are obligated to spend any amount of time with me. It's also a bit self-important - that you're such a hot commodity that you can afford to be rude.

On a much brighter note, DH Jeff, his folks & I went to see Tai Shan this weekend & we got a good glimpse of the little furry tike trundling about with his mom. So cute...and yet he offered a telepathic koan for our enlightenment. Such an evolved creature - it only appears that nothing's going on but bamboo-eating! Ok, if this paragraph didn't make any sense to you, stop at "...afford to be rude." It's a thing.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Free at Last!!!

I am now DONE with Chemistry!!! Yippee! I'll have to wait for next week for my grade, but it's DONE!!!

The last few weeks could not have been more stressful (without a complete nervous breakdown) with the move (of apts), starting a new job, trying to finish up with the class. At the end, I was so unmotivated to do the homework, labs, etc. But did I mention that it's done?

Back to some semblance of normalcy, regular work hours, regular workouts, decorating and perhaps enjoying life a little.
