Saturday, January 14, 2006

Life is getting cheaper by the minute

Post story: 38-yr-old grandmother shakes 5-DAY-OLD baby to death. Now, who of you thinks it's acceptable (and effective) to shake a newborn roughly in an attempt to quiet her? Clearly, these folks do. Except, a baby that small tends to inconveniently (or conveniently) die on you, suffering "...bleeding retinas and bruising on the brain." But hey, all part of the culture, eh? The mother is 19-yrs-old and was evidently present at the time of the shaking. Jeeze, that says it all, doesn't it? You know, a more cynical person (heh) might say, natural selection in practice...except the two perpetrators are still alive. And only one charged with anything.

Don't worry, though, I'm sure she'll get off and don't forget, at 38, she can create more children she won't raise with an ounce of sense. And her wonderful daughter, who clearly didn't raise a finger to stop the slaughter, still can squeeze out plenty of pups to kill. Why get all upset? The victims can't fight back.

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