Friday, April 27, 2007

It's about governance

Occasionally, when I talk to friends and coworkers who are from different countries (read: not American Citizens) living and working here, the subject of voting has come up. And by voting, I mean this: they posit that because they work - pay taxes - in the US, they should be able to vote in elections. Believe it or not, this has come up several times.

For the sake of argument, let's put my response this way: let's say I worked in YOUR country. I paid your taxes. Would I think that by virtue of that I had the right to participate in the governance of YOUR country? The answer is NO, resoundingly. I'm not a citizen or subject of YOUR country, therefore I have no stake in YOUR country, and I have no right to weigh in on its rule. If I don't like what YOUR country in any part is doing, if it's that offensive, I leave. Afterall, I'm a GUEST in YOUR country.

Why is it that just by virtue of paying taxes in another country, not YOUR own, would you presume the right to participate in its rule? Paying taxes in someone else's country is the cost of doing business - if you don't like it, well, you really don't have a say.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Yesterday's WaPo ran a story of a illegal haven town in New Jersey. Basically the town is making it attractive to illegals to be there, treating them as legitimate residents, offering all sorts of "free" services like bilingual computer classes, "health fairs," etc. Basically thumbing their noses at federal immigration law.

First, nothing is FREE - someone - taxpayers - is paying for it. Do the legal residents realize this or in their idiocy think that "the government" is paying for it?

Second, actually more important, is the fact that there are cities and towns across the country that are actively (as opposed to just accepting the uncontrolled influx of illegals) accomodating a population that has no business being in the country at all. So...if these invaders are acquiring so many rights and privileges - with no real accountability, legality, loyalty, legitimacy, choose your own word, what's left for those of us who are citizens? These cities and towns are selling us out, plain and simple. But, no moreso than our president and his administration.