Monday, April 25, 2005

New Acronym: BDA and BDA ratings

Being a perpetual and many times captive observer of human behavior, I've developed a rating system for public places and situations: the BDA and the BDA factor. BDA is "Big Dumb Animals," therefore, a BDA factor would indicate the concentration of said BDAs in a given locale. The rating would be 1 to 5, 5 being the thickest concentration thereof (in this city, there's no such thing as a zero BDA rating, trust me).

A concrete example: yesterday (Sunday) Jeff & I were at Fresh Fields and the BDA factor was a 5. Folks leaving their carts in the middle of the aisles while browsing, kamakazi parents careening their strollers (with tots) to get an edge in, FF employees choosing that incredibly busy time to restock everything, cross-cutting with their huge meat and produce trucks. Then there are the lost souls, who wander aimlessly with their carts, looking for enlightenment to crack them with the Clue Bat. Oh, if only!

Rant over, I must work.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Myth of Liberal Tolerance

Stuff happening lately, perp'd by you guessed it - liberals:

Pie-throwing at conservative speakers at universities. Ann Coulter has a good piece about this current phenomenon (hat-tip: Michelle Malkin).

"Kill Bush" t-shirts and the like that were until recently offered by CafePress. See Michelle Malkin's piece on that business here.

These things are UNACCEPTABLE. In a civilized society, how are these things tolerated? Yet, I don't here a lot of public (specifically dem/lib) outcry for decency & civility, ie, against this sort of behavior. One would think that these activities would make the rest of you look bad & like a bunch of angry cavemen. Is this the type of constituency you're trying to attract/maintain? Do you really believe that this is acceptable "free speech"? If so, remain silent. Hey, you're digging your own grave (think another Republican victory in 2008). If not, get off your fannies and say something.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Now I know it for sure - I'm lactose intolerant. This week I tried both lattes & mochas with soy milk & let me just say - no tummy aches, no icky feeling, just good frufru coffee. I'm so sold!!! You just have to experience what lactose discomfort ISN'T, to truly understand what you've been suffering. For those of you who haven't tried soy milk, the taste is different from regular milk, but it tastes nutty, so no biggie there.

Just read Patricia Highsmith's The Talented Mr. Ripley and by the end of the book, I was rooting for the sociopath. Good writer to make a law-and-order type like myself want the bad guy to succeed.

Ok now, I must go work or something.

School Update

Well, now I'm deep in the throes of my education funding (financial aid) campaign.

Some good stuff: my years of paying taxes in Virginia have paid off: I'm likely to get some grant money for being a good little resident. Cool.

But...I'm far from my goal of debt-free education. Sure I'm eligible for loans, but I'm getting too old for debt (or just too irritated by it). So...I'm applying for EVERYTHING that involves grant and or scholarship money - or just money in general. If you know of some leads, pls let me know about them!!! Just not the ones that involve sexual servitude - I'm against that.

This also means that I will now engaging in shameless blog fundraising. Be expecting tip jars, Amazon links, and within reason, advertisements. I NEED MONEY to go to school, buy my books, pay my lab fees, and stay in our apartment. Did I mention that I DO NOT want to move? Sure, the place is pricey, but we don't even own a car & besides, DH Jeff & I like it so much. You understand, don't you?

Oh, and I do apologize for this, I've put some of my dear family & friends' emails on the scholarship contests' lists so you'll now be receiving spam from online universities promising an MBA in 6 months. Sorry, sorry, sorry! Just delete them.

Look, my little supporters (of various kinds), you're not just doing it for me, you're also doing it for the community at large! For those of you unfamiliar with my current mission, the field of study is Criminal Justice/forensic science, to eventually catch a bad guy with a partial thumbprint on the inside of a glove, and effectively prosecute his ass. You get the picture - making sure Gotham City is safe for the tax-paying, law-abiding Gothamites. I can do it with your support!!!

I'll also try to actually blog more often to keep you entertained. Ok, end communication.