Monday, April 25, 2005

New Acronym: BDA and BDA ratings

Being a perpetual and many times captive observer of human behavior, I've developed a rating system for public places and situations: the BDA and the BDA factor. BDA is "Big Dumb Animals," therefore, a BDA factor would indicate the concentration of said BDAs in a given locale. The rating would be 1 to 5, 5 being the thickest concentration thereof (in this city, there's no such thing as a zero BDA rating, trust me).

A concrete example: yesterday (Sunday) Jeff & I were at Fresh Fields and the BDA factor was a 5. Folks leaving their carts in the middle of the aisles while browsing, kamakazi parents careening their strollers (with tots) to get an edge in, FF employees choosing that incredibly busy time to restock everything, cross-cutting with their huge meat and produce trucks. Then there are the lost souls, who wander aimlessly with their carts, looking for enlightenment to crack them with the Clue Bat. Oh, if only!

Rant over, I must work.

1 comment:

The Zombieslayer said...

Urgh. What a wonderful start and you just finished it just like that.
You need to keep going with this article. You really cut it short.