Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Myth of Liberal Tolerance

Stuff happening lately, perp'd by you guessed it - liberals:

Pie-throwing at conservative speakers at universities. Ann Coulter has a good piece about this current phenomenon (hat-tip: Michelle Malkin).

"Kill Bush" t-shirts and the like that were until recently offered by CafePress. See Michelle Malkin's piece on that business here.

These things are UNACCEPTABLE. In a civilized society, how are these things tolerated? Yet, I don't here a lot of public (specifically dem/lib) outcry for decency & civility, ie, against this sort of behavior. One would think that these activities would make the rest of you look bad & like a bunch of angry cavemen. Is this the type of constituency you're trying to attract/maintain? Do you really believe that this is acceptable "free speech"? If so, remain silent. Hey, you're digging your own grave (think another Republican victory in 2008). If not, get off your fannies and say something.


gas28man said...

Oh, puh-leeze. So what did it mean when Ralph Reed told a Knight-Ridder reporter that he wanted to see the opponents of the Christian Coalition "in a body bag?" Nothing, because he's a conservative darling and GOP candidate for Lt. Gov. in Georgia, right?

Renee AKA "GOP Baby" said...

So you're saying it's ok to throw pies at speakers & sell Hate Bush paraphernia which involves depictions of a gun to his head? Because it's free speech or just something we have to accept?

Frankly, although one can point to nasty and inappropriate verbage on both sides, I don't see nearly the same frequency and newsworthy actions on the right.

To wit, even though many people (myself included) were disgusted with Clinton and his antics, I didn't see "kill bill" type hate stuff. Also, I don't see/haven't seen a rash of attacks on peace marchers or anti-war marchers or for that matter, leftist speakers at colleges.

gas28man said...

Political extremism is like religious fundamentalism: it's the refuge of easy answers for a lazy mind. Those with lazy minds love that kind of stuff, and hate having their easy answers challenged. It angers them, and then it's just a short trip from anger to violence.

Now, I no more believe that a college student in a t-shirt is any more representative of the average Democrat than I believe that someone who advocates shooting pie-throwers speaks for the average Republican.

Drawing parallels in unfair. And lazy thinking.

For the record, having been on the receiving end of a pie once, it ain't no big deal. If you can't take the meringue, get out of the kitchen.

csperling said...

sorry to respond so long after posting, but...

is it really true that Ann Coulter said in one book that the only question regarding Clinton was, "whether to impeach or assassinate."

The Zombieslayer said...

For the record, I've always voted 3rd party. When I tell this to Republicans, they're cool with it.
When I tell that to Democrats, they treat me like I just killed their dog. They go nuts and start foaming at the mouth and start arguing that a 3rd party vote is a vote for Bush and Bush is worse than Hitler and if Bush got elected, the whole world will end and yada yada yada.
Well, Bush got elected, and re-elected. I don't like him. The economy hasn't recovered since the end of Clinton's 2nd term (when the crash happened). But we're still chugging along.

By the way, I can't stand Ann Coulter. She's about as narrow-minded as a Democrat.

gas28man said...


I suppose it's possible. I do know for sure that Jesse Helms said, circa 1994, "Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He’d better have a bodyguard."

gas28man said...

. . . And then there's the one where O'Reilly, on his radio show, said the LA Times editorial board wouldn't understand his objection to legal representation for detainees at Guantànamo Bay, Cuba, until terrorists "grab [editorial page editor] Michael Kinsley out of his little house and they cut off his head." He further opined: "And maybe when the blade sinks in, he'll go, 'Perhaps O'Reilly was right.'"

gas28man said...

Wait. It gets better. Ya gotta love conservative talk-radio jock Glenn Beck, who had this pleasant little slice:
"Hang on, let me just tell you what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out -- is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus -- band -- Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, "Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore," and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, "Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death." And you know, well, I'm not sure."

Beck's the same guy, by the way, who last year called the father of Nick Berg (remember him, the beheaded journalist?) "despicable" and a "scumbag" in the same week that Hannity and Michael Savage aired audio from the actual beheading. This because the father spoke at an antiwar rally.

We have improved since the old days, though. They used to bring in the national guard to kill antiwar protesters. Now they just grind greiving hearts under an audio bootheel on 1,200 radio stations.

I'll take a pie-face and a stoner in a Kill Bush T-shirt any day of the week over that kind of sociopathy.

Renee AKA "GOP Baby" said...

Please - don't let me stop you. Sounds like you have a lot of issues to work out here.

gas28man said...

As the old comedians used to say, "I got a million of 'em." ;-)