Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Depressing Rant

Did you ever have an existence the meaning of which you questioned constantly? A tedious job that has only odd and infrequent scraps of satisfaction? To be called into meetings that have no real value whatsoever, but just to frustrate you because they make you miss your spin class? To be competent, therefore the recipient of other people’s work, yet still no respect? That job you wish you could quit but have to continue because your living expenses demand it and won’t be appeased until you render lots of money to them? To be making what most would consider a decent living and still have to worry about money? To be writing essays like crazy for umpteen scholarships and wonder if it ends up an enormous waste of time and effort, not to mention elevated stress levels, because they’ll choose more “needy” or “relevant” students to support? And despite all efforts to the contrary, will probably end up with lots of debt and the need to get some stupid, frustrating, mind-numbing G/O/O/D (get out of debt) job when you finally graduate?

That’s it – I’m getting a boob job, a nose job, a lobotomy, start living a depraved, drugged existence out in LA (Los Angeles? Latin America?) or wherever. I might wanna add some illegitimate offspring to the mix. I really think that’s the answer. Uh-huh.

The one thing I’d like to see right now is some shred of gosh darned real progress in my life.

End depressing rant.

UPDATE, 4:47pm: And what's really special is getting overcharged for a prescription that I've been getting for over two years. Why, you ask? Because the bone-headed pharmacy monkeys didn't do their job! I'm telling you, a life of crime is looking really sweet right now. Heck, I can just steal my prescriptions! And what's this noise about Medicaid paying for Viagra for sex offenders (hat tip: Jeff at Kinshasa on the Potomac)??? You know, because they really need it. Arrghhh!

FURTHER UPDATE, 5/25/05, 2:22pm: Called down there again to the pharmacy and spoke with a nice gentleman who initiated a credit to my credit card for the overcharged amount above. I will go pick up the receipt tomorrow morning. Now, let's see if it's as easy as that. But to his credit, he was polite and even apologized for the mistake. Now, yes, it's inconvenient for me, but at least I got closure.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Peeves du Jour

What’s irking me today:

Drivers, usually driving big clunky gas-guzzling SUVs, who stop directly over the crosswalk. It’s bad enough that you don’t care about the environment or foreign dependency on oil, but do you have to block my way across the street? Do you care that I must walk into traffic because you didn’t have the consideration to stop where you were supposed to? NO, you’re TOO SPECIAL.

Book club members who initially signed up for the once-monthly thang, but need teeth-pulling in order to respond to a simple email (make that 3) asking if you’re in fact going to attend. Are you too SPECIAL to be courteous? Clearly. And if your schedule doesn’t permit you to attend a Book Club with any regularity, or if you no longer want to be a member, why don’t you just SAY SO?

Serial carelessness about simple things. If you can’t get those “trivial” things right, or more to the point, rush through the tasks without thinking about the effects of your carelessness, who says you’re going to be able to do more complex things correctly? Yeh, it’s a work-related grouse, but hey, I have to spend the majority of my waking hours at work, so yeh, it affects me. And wastes my time when I have to correct your mistakes. But I guess you’re too SPECIAL to concern yourself with such small potatoes.

Parents who take their small children on the Metro during rush hour. Ok, I understand if you’re so strapped for cash that you cannot afford a car (so, how can you afford children?), but if you’re going to drag the little ones with you on your commute, please make sure they’re safe. Last evening there was a major Charlie Foxtrot situation on the Metro, wall-to-wall commuters trying to get home and pissed because of the delay, and you’re dragging your undersized human by the hand, not really making sure he’s not clocked by said exasperated, tired, irritated adults? You need to re-evaluate your transportation strategy here.

End rant, end communication; Accounting Principles II beckons with its siren song.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Life as Blog-Fodder

Ok, so I want to save some money by bringing lunch to work. I’m trying to go the whole week without going out to get lunch. Uh-huh. Monday was really good – leftover yummy pot roast DH Jeff made, carrots & tea. Yesterday was fortuitous: my gym was handing out mini-subs and smoothies, ergo lunch! With carrots and raisins. And water. Today was truly sad: half a stale bagel, you-guessed-it, carrots and tea. Ran out of raisins. Now, mind you, I could have broken down and bought something instead of gnawing on that bagel, but 1) I must reach my goal and 2) I can whine about it on my blog.

Next, I’m trying to get into better shape for our Key West vacation/honeymoon. I’m currently doing 2 spin classes per week, weights and miscellaneous cardio. Now, my stamina is great and I could probably kill someone with my legs…and I still have bloop around the middle and thighs. I’ve decreased alcohol intake, am eating even more vegetables, laying off the lattes, and still have bloop. What’s up with that? Sure, I could give up alcohol, and everything I actually enjoy eating and monitor my portions to death, but I have enough sucky things I have to do, I don’t need to ruin food too. I will work it out though – I will not embarrass myself at the beach!!!

And oh, I really need to get more sleep. 1am is not an acceptable bed-time, especially every night. Or morning, that is.

Still plugging away at the scholarship apps. How many ways can I say “I’m a good and worthy student with lots of wonderful, heartfelt values, so give me money – because I WANT it, so you GIVE it”? And why does doing something good and worthy always seem to be a hassle demanding all sorts of time, effort, money, extraordinary time management, and renders truckfuls of self-doubt, anxiety and fear, while criminals, druggies, child abusers and breeder-parasites don’t ever seem to have regular and fierce tummy aches or worry about anything?

Life as blog-fodder – dig in, the slush is tepid!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Confused Insects

The BDA factor was a 4.0 this morning on the Metro – not the worst (like Sundays at Whole Foods), but BDAs wandering like disoriented bugs. This leads to an interesting and pertinent anecdote. Years ago, BJ (before Jeff), I dated a guy who was charged by his parents to take care of their house while they were overseas. Generally, this guy was responsible unlike the ne’er-do-well brother-as-squatter and his squatter girlfriend. At one point, the squatter couple moved out. After cleaning their bedroom, the next thing former boyfriend did was to call an exterminator for the odious roach problem. The guy started with the kitchen and did the spraying, commenting (ok, I’m telling this 2nd hand) that in a few minutes, all the roaches would start heading up the walls to the ceiling and as the spray really kicked in, they would fall down dead. Former boyfriend said this in fact occurred just as the bug guy said it would – and an eerie thing it was to watch this transpire. I’m always reminded of this story when I see human bugs wondering slowly and disorientedly in the metro system or wherever. I’m just glad they can’t climb the walls.

Friday, May 13, 2005

General Notes on Friday the 13th - Rambling

I've been totally spazzing for the last week whence I realized that I don't have that much money saved up for sustenance during my school-hood & I'll have to find a part-time job (this means interviewing - yech!) & what I'll call the "X-Factor" of stress-causing agents that will keep my stomach in knots until, let's say, end of June. Now, those of you who know me realize that there's always something about which I'm spazzing. It goes in waves. I then generally settle down, realizing that all's well and things will work out. That, and DH Jeff talks me down.

Well, I was sufficiently jazzed last night when I found out that I aced my Accounting exam - and got most of the extra credit right. Why just do well when you totally go over the top? This was the first exam of the class and it's really good to come out swinging. Plus, this is good practice for when I do school full-time.

Which leads me to my next thought - you must be asking, if you are going into forensics, Renee, why are you taking accounting courses? Well, let me tell you 1) there's always something new one can learn & especially when your company is subsidizing it and 2) one learns more about oneself in these endeavors. Case in point, I realize that 1) accounting makes sense to me because it's orderly and logical and 2) if forensics doesn't work out for me, I know I could successfully go into accounting. Always good to know the options.

When cooling off from spazzing, I realize how lucky I am to have all these caring folks in my life & how generous and thoughtful they have been to me! Blessings upon all of you - you know who you are! Also, blessings to the Powers That Be for sending me free samples of stuff I can actually use and for leaving all that spare change on the streets for me to collect and save. And furthermore, blessings upon the creators of compound interest! Blessings upon readers of & commenters on my blog - you rock & also lift my spirits! Finally, blessings upon any scholarship funds who would take an interest in a really self-motivated leaf-turner and fund my studies - your investment will not be in vain.

Ok, I have to throw in some sort of bitchy comment here. Why is that people move so slowly? I mean gosh, don't you people have meaningful things and people to go to? Don't tell me you enjoy hanging out in the Metrorail system! And why are you hesitating when getting on an escalator (BDA alert!!!)? It's not moving that fast - hop on, then arrange yourself. Oh, the temptation to give you a little shove to keep you moving! And those of you females who think stillettos are practical when traveling (teetering) on the subway - are wrong! Oh, and to be not-just-a-little catty, those impractical stillettos (only practical if 1) you don't have to actually walk in them and 2) if you're in the sort of business wherein you could claim the expense as a deduction) don't reduce the size of your ass - try stairmaster instead and save your feet. Just saying.

I gotta go work. Be talking to you!