Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Confused Insects

The BDA factor was a 4.0 this morning on the Metro – not the worst (like Sundays at Whole Foods), but BDAs wandering like disoriented bugs. This leads to an interesting and pertinent anecdote. Years ago, BJ (before Jeff), I dated a guy who was charged by his parents to take care of their house while they were overseas. Generally, this guy was responsible unlike the ne’er-do-well brother-as-squatter and his squatter girlfriend. At one point, the squatter couple moved out. After cleaning their bedroom, the next thing former boyfriend did was to call an exterminator for the odious roach problem. The guy started with the kitchen and did the spraying, commenting (ok, I’m telling this 2nd hand) that in a few minutes, all the roaches would start heading up the walls to the ceiling and as the spray really kicked in, they would fall down dead. Former boyfriend said this in fact occurred just as the bug guy said it would – and an eerie thing it was to watch this transpire. I’m always reminded of this story when I see human bugs wondering slowly and disorientedly in the metro system or wherever. I’m just glad they can’t climb the walls.

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