Thursday, May 19, 2005

Peeves du Jour

What’s irking me today:

Drivers, usually driving big clunky gas-guzzling SUVs, who stop directly over the crosswalk. It’s bad enough that you don’t care about the environment or foreign dependency on oil, but do you have to block my way across the street? Do you care that I must walk into traffic because you didn’t have the consideration to stop where you were supposed to? NO, you’re TOO SPECIAL.

Book club members who initially signed up for the once-monthly thang, but need teeth-pulling in order to respond to a simple email (make that 3) asking if you’re in fact going to attend. Are you too SPECIAL to be courteous? Clearly. And if your schedule doesn’t permit you to attend a Book Club with any regularity, or if you no longer want to be a member, why don’t you just SAY SO?

Serial carelessness about simple things. If you can’t get those “trivial” things right, or more to the point, rush through the tasks without thinking about the effects of your carelessness, who says you’re going to be able to do more complex things correctly? Yeh, it’s a work-related grouse, but hey, I have to spend the majority of my waking hours at work, so yeh, it affects me. And wastes my time when I have to correct your mistakes. But I guess you’re too SPECIAL to concern yourself with such small potatoes.

Parents who take their small children on the Metro during rush hour. Ok, I understand if you’re so strapped for cash that you cannot afford a car (so, how can you afford children?), but if you’re going to drag the little ones with you on your commute, please make sure they’re safe. Last evening there was a major Charlie Foxtrot situation on the Metro, wall-to-wall commuters trying to get home and pissed because of the delay, and you’re dragging your undersized human by the hand, not really making sure he’s not clocked by said exasperated, tired, irritated adults? You need to re-evaluate your transportation strategy here.

End rant, end communication; Accounting Principles II beckons with its siren song.

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