Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Life as Blog-Fodder

Ok, so I want to save some money by bringing lunch to work. I’m trying to go the whole week without going out to get lunch. Uh-huh. Monday was really good – leftover yummy pot roast DH Jeff made, carrots & tea. Yesterday was fortuitous: my gym was handing out mini-subs and smoothies, ergo lunch! With carrots and raisins. And water. Today was truly sad: half a stale bagel, you-guessed-it, carrots and tea. Ran out of raisins. Now, mind you, I could have broken down and bought something instead of gnawing on that bagel, but 1) I must reach my goal and 2) I can whine about it on my blog.

Next, I’m trying to get into better shape for our Key West vacation/honeymoon. I’m currently doing 2 spin classes per week, weights and miscellaneous cardio. Now, my stamina is great and I could probably kill someone with my legs…and I still have bloop around the middle and thighs. I’ve decreased alcohol intake, am eating even more vegetables, laying off the lattes, and still have bloop. What’s up with that? Sure, I could give up alcohol, and everything I actually enjoy eating and monitor my portions to death, but I have enough sucky things I have to do, I don’t need to ruin food too. I will work it out though – I will not embarrass myself at the beach!!!

And oh, I really need to get more sleep. 1am is not an acceptable bed-time, especially every night. Or morning, that is.

Still plugging away at the scholarship apps. How many ways can I say “I’m a good and worthy student with lots of wonderful, heartfelt values, so give me money – because I WANT it, so you GIVE it”? And why does doing something good and worthy always seem to be a hassle demanding all sorts of time, effort, money, extraordinary time management, and renders truckfuls of self-doubt, anxiety and fear, while criminals, druggies, child abusers and breeder-parasites don’t ever seem to have regular and fierce tummy aches or worry about anything?

Life as blog-fodder – dig in, the slush is tepid!

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