Friday, May 13, 2005

General Notes on Friday the 13th - Rambling

I've been totally spazzing for the last week whence I realized that I don't have that much money saved up for sustenance during my school-hood & I'll have to find a part-time job (this means interviewing - yech!) & what I'll call the "X-Factor" of stress-causing agents that will keep my stomach in knots until, let's say, end of June. Now, those of you who know me realize that there's always something about which I'm spazzing. It goes in waves. I then generally settle down, realizing that all's well and things will work out. That, and DH Jeff talks me down.

Well, I was sufficiently jazzed last night when I found out that I aced my Accounting exam - and got most of the extra credit right. Why just do well when you totally go over the top? This was the first exam of the class and it's really good to come out swinging. Plus, this is good practice for when I do school full-time.

Which leads me to my next thought - you must be asking, if you are going into forensics, Renee, why are you taking accounting courses? Well, let me tell you 1) there's always something new one can learn & especially when your company is subsidizing it and 2) one learns more about oneself in these endeavors. Case in point, I realize that 1) accounting makes sense to me because it's orderly and logical and 2) if forensics doesn't work out for me, I know I could successfully go into accounting. Always good to know the options.

When cooling off from spazzing, I realize how lucky I am to have all these caring folks in my life & how generous and thoughtful they have been to me! Blessings upon all of you - you know who you are! Also, blessings to the Powers That Be for sending me free samples of stuff I can actually use and for leaving all that spare change on the streets for me to collect and save. And furthermore, blessings upon the creators of compound interest! Blessings upon readers of & commenters on my blog - you rock & also lift my spirits! Finally, blessings upon any scholarship funds who would take an interest in a really self-motivated leaf-turner and fund my studies - your investment will not be in vain.

Ok, I have to throw in some sort of bitchy comment here. Why is that people move so slowly? I mean gosh, don't you people have meaningful things and people to go to? Don't tell me you enjoy hanging out in the Metrorail system! And why are you hesitating when getting on an escalator (BDA alert!!!)? It's not moving that fast - hop on, then arrange yourself. Oh, the temptation to give you a little shove to keep you moving! And those of you females who think stillettos are practical when traveling (teetering) on the subway - are wrong! Oh, and to be not-just-a-little catty, those impractical stillettos (only practical if 1) you don't have to actually walk in them and 2) if you're in the sort of business wherein you could claim the expense as a deduction) don't reduce the size of your ass - try stairmaster instead and save your feet. Just saying.

I gotta go work. Be talking to you!

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