Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Yesterday's WaPo ran a story of a illegal haven town in New Jersey. Basically the town is making it attractive to illegals to be there, treating them as legitimate residents, offering all sorts of "free" services like bilingual computer classes, "health fairs," etc. Basically thumbing their noses at federal immigration law.

First, nothing is FREE - someone - taxpayers - is paying for it. Do the legal residents realize this or in their idiocy think that "the government" is paying for it?

Second, actually more important, is the fact that there are cities and towns across the country that are actively (as opposed to just accepting the uncontrolled influx of illegals) accomodating a population that has no business being in the country at all. So...if these invaders are acquiring so many rights and privileges - with no real accountability, legality, loyalty, legitimacy, choose your own word, what's left for those of us who are citizens? These cities and towns are selling us out, plain and simple. But, no moreso than our president and his administration.


MikiCB said...

I aggree with you on the OUR country being sold out. Illegals MUST be made to go thru proper channels. I know locally here in TN, there are hundreds if not thousands who are on the public assistance programs offered. We as taxpayers are footing the bill while so many of OUR own countrymen & women do without while trying to make it on their own. If the local and federal governmens are willing to pay these illegals, why won't they help their OWN?

csperling said...

I have been arguing this President and his administration inept for quite some time. The universal cure-all, tax breaks, might not even work in this situation. As a nation, Mexico rates lowest for taxation as percent of GDP. You'd think it a utopia.

gas28man said...

Federal enforcement would be glad to solve this problem, if only we taxpayers, or the administration, or Congress, though it worthy to fund enforcement.

It may or may not be a zero-sum game between federal immigration enforcement vs. bilingual computer classes and health fairs, but if it is, then the people and their representatives have spoken, and it is what it is.

MikiCB said...

If it is what it is, they why are so many people against it? I do realize that it is much cheaper on our government to just make the illegals legal, but what is that saying to the people who have been born here or are legal citizens? I am all for people coming to our country and making a better life, but they MUST go thru proper channels. And having illegals come into this country and live off of our system is not right. The government needs to take action and enforce the laws.

gas28man said...

Per a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, not many people are against it. Sez here 78 percent of Americans favor giving those who are in the country illegally a chance at citizenship.

If you're in that 22 percent who can't believe it, here's the link:

MikiCB said...

I am not saying they do not deserve a chance to become legal, just MAKE them do it correctly.