Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rant o' the Day

I had a mini-meltdown in chem lab this morning because I was so disgusted with the poor quality of the lab manual (the professor writes these) and of having to keep correcting old lab reports whereas if I knew how to do them in the first place, I would have done them right in the first place. And I guess I'm supposed to be happy about paying $2500 for this crap. Bonus: I have an exam tomorrow morning that I'm really uneasy about. My professor brags about putting them together in 15 minutes. No doubt there will be mistakes in her test or perhaps unsolvable problems. But who cares? She still has a job.

Yesterday it took me an hour to ride home in a cab from work because the marching illegals were clogging the metro & creating traffic problems. Metro spoke only Spanish over the intercom. Made me feel like I was in a third world shithole. Wait awhile, and it shall be so. These boneheads have no right to protest anything in this country - let them go back to their own screwed up countries and try protesting there. Plus, most of our "leaders" aren't doing a damn thing about this problem, just allowing it to get worse. The Post gleefully reported on how our illegals feel politically empowered. I'm not linking to any of these pieces - if you're that interested, go find them yourself.

I'm as stressed out as I can be, yet, I must head to work and look happy...then rush home and cram for this test. Is all my effort worth it? I'm thinking not.

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