Tuesday, March 13, 2007

On the bright side...

...did I mention how HAPPY I am that DC enacted its smoking ban in restaurants and bars?

This weekend DH Jeff & I were having sangria at the Jaleo's bar while we waited for friends to join us. And it was pleasant! No acrid smoke! No irritated lungs or watery eyes! I didn't even mind when it got crowded! Wow! Jeff mentioned the same thing. I'm like, "Yippee!"

This has to be the most enlightened legislation the District has enacted in - well, forever!

Now, you say, jeez, isn't that awfully nanny state of you, Renee? Well, here's where I explain that I'd be a libertarian if not for people and their human nature. Please explain to me why it ever was acceptable to share your smoke? Oh yeh, you have the right to carry out this systematic poisoning of YOURSELF, but do you have the right to impose it on others? And why should I avoid bars and other places because they haven't achieved enlightenment in this sense? Sometimes legislation is necessary to enforce behavior that folks won't voluntarily carry out on their own.

Virginia in general, however, hasn't reached this point of enlightenment, BUT, I was pleasantly surprised that a neighborhood restaurant, Clarendon Woodgrill, VOLUNTARILY went smoke-free! Wonders never cease!

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