Monday, March 03, 2008

5 foods I could eat all day

Hummus - is it the garlic, the consistency, the dip-ability?

Kettle Chips Salt & Pepper potato chips - it's the crunch and the mixture of salt & pepper. These chips are like crack. Really. And really not so bad for you (no hydrogenated oils) unless you eat a whole bag at one sitting...which is a definite possibility.

Microwave popcorn - it's the crunch, the salt, the heavenly aroma, the fake butter!

Edamame - it's the gently salty nuttiness.

Wasabe peas - it's the nasal spiciness & crunch.

So, what foods drive you to distraction?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

crack chips
candy corn
dried spicy squid
godiva chocolate
a whole mess o' smelt