Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Random update

Well gentle readers, I've been pre-occupied, but not dead. Here are some random things:

-I'm now 38.5% done with my MS in Accounting. Yeah!

-DH Jeff & I have celebrated our 5-year anniversary. Cool!

-One year down, three to go in this administration. I'm not going to wax eloquent on THAT whole thing except to say they must really think we're all morons.

-One New Years Resolution I will keep: update my workout playlists - for real! They're getting a bit stale and I have new stuff to add!

-Must get to this Christmas thing - wrap, send, repeat!

-Very glad to have such great family and friends!!! *Happy Glow*

Last, but not least: I will be blogging more on a philosophical bent for a while, rather than political (too depressing and BP-raising)...but still with a bit of social commentary.

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