Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another locality stands up for itself

Today in WaPo Metro section is an article about another locality, in this case Culpeper County, VA, that has had it with illegal immigration. A resolution that was approved unanimously by county lawmakers affirms English as official language, e.g., printing public documents only in English. I think this right on: anyone who lives and works in Culpeper County (or anywhere in the US, to my mind) should be able to read, write and speak English. No brainer. Now, this might not seem like a lot, especially compared to what other localities are doing, but it does send a message. Lawmakers opine that the Hispanic immigrant population is just not assimilating vis-à-vis English language proficiency; therefore, if the county refuses to accommodate their language deficiency, they might move elsewhere. A small step, to be applauded.

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