Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How can you be irritable...

...when the nice lady from Whole Foods is offering you a truffle? You know the candy in question - the one with dense, wonderful, um, chocolate, with a dusting of decadent cocoa. Don't pretend you don't. The answer is: even I can't be too curmudgeonish when presented with that.

Actually, it's a totally brilliant scheme by Whole Foods to 1) short-circuit the impulse toward mass murder while waiting for one's turkey and 2) a good way to advertise the truffles (as if they really needed it). And in actuality, the crowds today were not that bad today and no more irritating than any other weekday afternoon.

I was also able to pick up a pot roast because DH Jeff insisted that we have one in addition to the 20-lb. turkey we're serving. You know, so that the small army we're feeding is fortified to fight that...battle or something after leaving our apartment...in the next state, under harsh conditions. ;) Just giving him a little guff - it will all be amazing!

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