Friday, June 18, 2004

A Gaggle of Articles

Here are some interesting articles on a variety of topics which you might enjoy.

Metro Fare Woes. For us denizens of the DC underground, this is not good news - they're raising fares again. Let's see if they can actually get most of the escalators working at one time...or if the cash will end up in someone's pocket.

Vaclav Havel on North Korea. Former president of the Czech Republic weighs in on North Korea & what freedom-loving nations should do about it. The impatience in me says "nuke it from orbit"; the residual idealism in me says as the great and free nation we are, we have the obligation of spreading democracy and freedom all over, my pragmatic bent says we gotta pick our battles.

Conjoined Twins' Saga. Is it my imagination or are there more conjoined twins being born? How does this happen? No, the article doesn't go into the causes, but chronicles the plight of two little girls & their family - get the Kleenex.

Comet Studies. Unanticipated findings about comets. The universe is our oyster, let's go diving.

Fed Funds against Undocumented Criminals. $800k in Federal grant money is going to Arlington and Fairfax to aid efforts to incarcerate illegal aliens convicted of felonies. Ok, it's not the whole tamale, but it's something. I challenge any BHL (Bleeding Heart Liberal) to explain to me why we should tolerate illegal alien felons!

Good Karma. Woman donates kidney to stranger...then gets an unexpected winfall. Who knew karma worked so fast?


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