Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Whew! Am I relieved!

Bush won; Kerry conceded. No drawn-out BS, no sore losing. Hopefully no one out there is going to be saying "Bush stole the election" for another 4 more years. Yes, I'm relieved.

Yesterday at the polls was thankfully very calm & as you might expect, well-attended. We arrived there at about 5:50am and there was a substantial line. Our little polling place gets kudos for organization & proper identification procedures. The officials made sure that even in the packed little gymnasium, the lines (A-L, M-Z & cleared for voting) were discrete and proper. Also, the touch-screen machines are a cinch to use with bold, simple directives, even to the blind and caffeine-deprived like me. You can even move back and check your answers on previous screens.

Ok, now, Mr. President, are you going to do something real to secure our borders this time around? Are you going to play "Spending like a Democrat" some more? There are other questions, but I must earn a living. Mewl, mewl, mewl.


csperling said...

Hey Sis,
Congrats, your dude won and those of us in the Blue, Blue, Blue state of Maryland are weeping in our frapaccinos. Word to the wise however, be careful what you ask for. If pushed to hard on illegal immigration W might invade Canada after learning that its the longest undefended border. I am just afraid that if he keeps believing that his is the party of Lincoln, he might learn some history and decided to suspend habeus corpus and install a military government.

Good day for democracy (that it did not devolve into a circus freak show), good day for Republicans, great day for the Christian right (can't wait to see the congressional schedule for the next two years), sad day for us leftists (I'm starting to like the slur, makes me feel like a Sandanista)


csperling said...

Hey Sis,
Congrats, your dude won and those of us in the Blue, Blue, Blue state of Maryland are weeping in our frapaccinos. Word to the wise however, be careful what you ask for. If pushed to hard on illegal immigration W might invade Canada after learning that its the longest undefended border. I am just afraid that if he keeps believing that his is the party of Lincoln, he might learn some history and decided to suspend habeus corpus and install a military government.

Good day for democracy (that it did not devolve into a circus freak show), good day for Republicans, great day for the Christian right (can't wait to see the congressional schedule for the next two years), sad day for us leftists (I'm starting to like the slur, makes me feel like a Sandanista)
