Saturday, June 10, 2006

On Manners... this seems to be a hard concept for the Washington crowd to grasp. Case in point, we're (Jeff & I) trying to revitalize, along with a friend, our book club. And it's been an effort to attract people to come, but we seemed to be enjoying modest success as of late. And then, this time around, I sent a followup email to remind members of the date and time & to confirm if they were going to show. Well, I got one "oops, I'm flying in after it's already started, so I'm bagging," one who (at least) let me know ahead of time, one person I actually had to send another email to get a response, and a whole slew of others who have never even bothered to respond, period. Now, Jeff & I have hosted the last few times & our friend has volunteered for the next time. So, no worries about the meeting place (um, we couldn't be easier to get to - across the street from the metro, hello?). I've taken on the role of "club secretary" & dessiminate the information each month. The burden on members is essentially 1) let me know if you're coming (ie, indicate interest), 2) buy or borrow the modestly priced (usually around $10) book, 3) read it, 4) show up with some token food or beverage and 5) enjoy a pleasant discussion about the book while enjoying food and drink (most of which we provide). Boy, doesn't that sound taxing! You'd think we were asking for Dom Perignon and their first born.

Friends, I've tired of making effort and not having people do even the minimum courtesy of responding to emails. I've tired of this Washington (although I'm sure it's nation-wide) "college" (reads "kegger") attitude towards socializing. As in, if I don't have anything better to do, then I'll just show up. Oh, but I'll have something else scheduled that evening afterwards, so I'll keep my cell phone on and take calls during the meeting. And it'll be a huge imposition for me to bring some damn crackers, so, I'll buy some crap that no one likes to let you know that I resent having to bring anything besides my sparkling wit. Even though I'll drink your wine, eat your bread, cheese, olives, etc. Clearly, few parents are even bothering to teach basic manners anymore. Few people have any class of any kind any more. Of course, in our ever coarsening society, that's not really valued now is it?

I mean hey, our last book club (some members, any way), unceremoniously dumped us and evidently started their own little group. Mind you, they didn't convey this to us directly, we were just supposed to "catch on." I'm sure they considered their little maneuver totally acceptable behavior.

You know, I used to be careless about responding to invites, and then one day it occurred to me that people didn't have to invite me anywhere, at all - and that I should stop being a rude little infant. Clearly, many in this city haven't even gotten to that point of realization or ever will.

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