Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's for the chiiiildddren!

This SCHIP business burns me up. As a matter of fact, the only part I like is that the proposed expansion would be funded with cigarette taxes. Trust me, there are enough die-hard (heh) smokers still around to fund a program.

But back to the story. Advocates of this program reference all the uninsured CHILDREN who desperately need coverage. Now, this involves all those NOT covered by Medicaid. So, we're talking about children from MIDDLE CLASS families.

First, it's politically expedient (especially on the left) to verbally isolate CHILDREN as if they just popped up on their own, defenseless, and need to be taken care of. This rhetoric disregards and relieves of the responsibility, the duties and obligations of the PARENTS. Now, I believe that anyone who cannot provide ALL the basic requirements for children - healthcare definitely included - should not have the children in the first place. But what still endures from the hippie days is that freedom (e.g., sexual freedom and "reproductive freedom" and in this case) means doing anything you want regardless of the consequences and sloughing off the responsibility of those consequences to someone else.

Second, this program is to cover those children whose parents make too much to be eligible for Medicaid. So, we're increasing the level of the nanny state for those who are middle class. There's a lot of talk about those parents who work hard and yet have no healthcare coverage. Why not? If you had kids, wouldn't you target jobs that offered healthcare coverage as part of the compensation package? I mean, when I was working at GWU Medical Center, everyone who was a full-time, permanent employee - regardless of pay-grade - had access to a selection of HMOs & PPOs, partially subsidized by GWU.

Third, proponents claim that illegals are excluded from this program. And because the federal government has done such a terrific job of keeping them out of the country, I really believe they can keep them from taking advantage of this program too. Sarcasm. You got that?

So, what this expansion of an EXISTING program means bigger nanny state, less personal responsibility expected of the parents and people in general, and you can take advantage of this even if you're middle class and probably even if you're illegal. BAD.

Here's a recent article about President Bush's veto of the current version of this bill, fyi.

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