Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Rambling on Tuesday

Ok, so I'm totally burnt out on politics & news in general that I'm simply not going to comment about it. Sick, sick, sick of all of it.

Well, maybe a little: Obama's "Infrastructure Plan." Slogans & gimmicks but no real substance. Like that's a shocker. BTW, I cheated and just read DH Jeff's assessment of the "Plan." You too can read it here.

Obama smokes. What a wonderful and life-affirming example not only his daughters, but the nation's youths as well. Yeah cigarettes!

I often toy with the idea of buying stock in Philip Morris or one of those Evil Empire cig companies. Why, if I'm so against smoking? Simple: observation & the potential for financial gain. In other words, I see people smoking downtown every day & in bars here in unenlightened Virginia; ergo, folks are still buying the things for their daily poisoning, and since smoking is unlikely to kill them right off, those companies must still be making money. Look, no one's holding a gun to smokers' heads - they can conceivably quit. Why shouldn't I profit from others' stupid choices? After all, I'm already paying for people's stupid choices, so...

On another topic, I've finished a very interesting book & I'd like to review it - yet I've been avoiding it. Hmm. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I seem to be incapable of coherent, succinct summary as of late.

Do you ever get the impression that when folks (of all ilks) say "Middle Class" they mean "having kids, a mortgage and car payments" and not "child-free, renting & dependent on public transportation"? Just saying...

Ok, must go work on my resume. Pooh.

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