Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Spin bits

The Good:
Tuesday spin instructor referred to a Post Health Section article (This Week in Health, page F3 - no link available) which discussed the merits of "sprints" in a spin class. Instructor thus had us do several sprints, to our delight.

The Smelly:
Ok, it's usually a good idea to launder one's gym clothes frequently and this is especially so when attending spin class - after all, the rest of us are a captive, uh, audience in a small room, to the opposite condition. Case in point, one of the folks in my Tuesday class doesn't wash his togs nearly often enough and once we start sweating, well, it's very obvious. Not good considering all of us need to, by definition, inhale deeply during class. Ew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great information here! I'm going to bookmark this page. Check out my computer keyboard blog sometime.