Thursday, September 28, 2006


Could the time go any slower? Could I be any less engaged in my work? Could I be any less thrilled to be going to the gym after work? Could it not rain while I'm hiking to the gym or home? Could I be any less inclined to do more school reading after dinner? Could I whine any more while I'm at it?

Ok, one bright thing is that 2 little file cabinets are arriving tonight & thus starts the organization saga of the "study." I can finally throw out the crummy file cabinets we have. Yeah. Another bright thing is that DH Jeff is cooking steak for me tonight. Mmmmm, meat.

There have been some stories about immigration issues in the paper of note and ire:

Yesterday: Charlotte, NC, and other localities get serious about immigration law enforcement; our own illegal-boosting Arlington County does not. The sheriff in Charlotte makes some choice comments about how enforcing the law is right. Hmmm.

Today: Herndon, VA starts getting serious about immigration law enforcement which is good (even if my own county could care less), and visa applications for skilled foreign workers are held up. Naturally. Let all the unskilled, poorly educated, anchor-baby breeders into the country, but put your foot down to folks wading in red tape to work here above day-laborer level. Good policy idiots.

UPDATE: It was raining torrents. I bagged the gym. The filing cabinets were advertised as "easy assembly." I opened one box and pulled out about a million parts - but put them together easily. Well-wrought & bored pieces plus extra hardware (screws, dowels, etc) & well-packed. And you can't beat the turn around time (next day). I also got free shipping because the order was over $50. So gets my two thumbs up.

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