Thursday, September 14, 2006

Where in the world...?

Sadly, I have not been posting much & one might wonder what's the problem. Well, here's what's been up in my world:

- Biology class demands. Tomorrow's the first exam and Monday at lab was first lab quiz (one every week). That said, I like the prof (really a together, organized sort) & we got to look at stuff under the microscope in lab, including this tiny water insect that was wonder what happened to his aquatic world.

- Honors! Speaking of school, I've been nominated for an honor society at Marymount. Not my first in general, but my first there. Figures, though, that the only recognition I get is the kind I have to pay for.

- Work. Did I mention I've been working so hard, that I get home completely exhausted every day? Not to mention the dreary, chilly weather we've been having lately.

- Book Club? We've put it on hiatus because of lack of interest. Evidently to most, book club is something you drop by on when you have nothing better to do. Otherwise, no communication. Very frustrating to those of us who make an effort and actually host the thing! A few stalwarts, though, & we plan on recruiting others & hopefully opening up shop again in a few months.

- Exercise. This week isn't a good example, but I've been trying to work out regularly to get rid of this sludge around my middle and thighs. You probably wouldn't notice it, but that's irrelevant. I get to have my obsessions if I want.

- Socializing! Hah! Yes, actually going out with friends and family! And yes, I'd rather be doing that than carving out the time to blog. Sad, my lack of commitment. Ah, but mental healthy-speaking, a vast improvement over (specifically my) anti-social attitudes of the past.

Ok, enough for now. More soon, I promise! Rants galore! Harsh language and sentiments!

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