Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ten Days in Israel - Some final Q & As

Dear Readers,
Before I ended this series, I wanted to get some personal reactions from Mom on the high points of her trip. Below are her impressions. Enjoy!
Q: What was your favorite part of the trip?

A: A "loaded" question! Where to begin?!? Finally being there~for sure! I should have gone a long time ago. Actually, there were quite a few favorites, and I guess some of the favorites were also the most "moving." Giving you the "bigger picture," I guess I'll have to say experiencing the Israelis and their way of life.

I've always been very curious and have always wanted to learn more about their religion, their traditions, and so on. This may sound strange, but somehow I feel a kind of kinship toward them that is difficult to comprehend and even harder to explain.

Q: What was the most impactful or impressive part?

A: Considering myself a christian, it was walking in "Christ's footsteps," if you will. So the place would have to be Old Jerusalem.

In most of these biblical places, I could almost feel His presence at times... which would either make the hair from the back of my neck "bristle," have me in "goose bumps," or feel an overwhelming sadness that would bring me close to tears...or ALL of the above.

Q: What was the food like?

A: The food was great! Whenever we could, we would eat authentic~~I don't think I could ever tire of having Mediterranean cuisine. However, most of the meals were at the hotels where we lodged. The buffets were always wonderfully hugh, with so much variety that I could never really experience everything! However, I sure did try, and must have gained 10 pounds or more!

Q: If you could spend more time at one place/site/area, what would it be?

A: As you may already surmise, I prefer to be near water, so I would probably choose some city/town around the Mediterranean Sea (Haifa or Netanya, for example). Another place would be Tiberias, next to the Sea of Galilee (actually a lake). Water is always soothing to me....

Q: Anything else you'd like to add?

A: I would certainly be very happy going to Israel every so often (maybe twice a year), staying for an extended period of time (say a month or so), getting to know the country, etc. After all - who knows - I might just decide to move there!

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