Monday, September 04, 2006

Random thoughts

I just started my Biology class. Can't ignore the irony that the first few chapters we cover concern - anyone? anyone? - Chemistry! Aggghhhh! But that disturbing occurrence aside, the prof is organized and proactive - he emails us the syllabus and first lecture slides BEFORE we set foot in the classroom. Now that's impressive. Also, he seems really engaged in the study and how to bring it across to students - i.e., interested in actually making sure we grasp the concepts. This bodes well.

On a completely different topic, I've noticed that the more I focus on a task or more specifically a bunch of tasks, working on them concurrently, the more I get done. At work, I've had an (expected) avalanche of work that provokes that kind of focus. Although I've been exhausted over the last week, I've also been energized by the sheer volume of work & now study that I've been able to accomplish.

I'm planning to transfer some of that residual energy to home. There's this series of paintings by a Mexican artist that my dad gave me which badly need re-matting & framing. I'm finally going to take one of them (to start) to get this done & finally display it. Brother Chris & wife Steph should appreciate this as they've had a couple of the series framed (and displayed) so nicely. Today, in another effort to improve our home environment, I'm going to work on getting rid of some clutter in the apt. Less clutter, more tranquility and function.

At this point, I was going to launch into a catty tirade, but that'll have to wait.

Oh, one last thought: I'm currently in a state of non-indebtedness: I've paid off my school loans, my credit card balance in full (which included my Biology class tuition), our rent and bills are covered. I'm going to savor this moment - because it will not last long. But a keen moment it is!

End communication.

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