Thursday, November 30, 2006

Because letting them in is just not enough

Read this article and literally feel your blood pressure increase. Yesterday I read the first notice of a Marine's (and his girl friend's) death (after suriving a tour in Iraq) at the hands of a drunk driver with a hispanic surname. At the time, I sarcastically stated to DH Jeff that the killer was probably an illegal. And I was right (but, heck, we love all our hard-working, law-abiding, brown peasant-serfs, and besides they're a protected class nowadays).

But there's even more fun in this story! Turns out that this menace had been charged with drunken driving earlier this year, but the Howard County cops evidently couldn't find their way out of a jar. Read on:
Morales-Soriano then refused to take a breath test, which should have led to the suspension of his license for 120 days. But the police accidentally gave Morales-Soriano all the copies of the form that was supposed to have been sent to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration to begin the suspension, McCrone said. (WaPo, 11/30/06)

Uh-huh. So, the perp who should not have been in this country AT ALL to begin with, is issued a valid driver's license, drives drunk, gets off scott-free because of the cops lack of evidence and gets behind the wheel drunk, AGAIN, to murder some law-abiding Americans (not to mention, a serviceman). Why not? I doubt it would deter this guy if he didn't have a valid driver's license. But it gets better:
Police said Morales-Soriano's blood alcohol level was four times the legal limit when he slammed into the back of the car carrying the couple. (WaPo, 11/30/06)

What's the legal alcohol limit? Since I don't have a car, the distinctions are sort of academic, but for the sake of our little consideration here, let's say the limit is .08 and then times that by four, which is .32!!! Even I know that's falling down drunk.

I wonder if this damn illegal will even serve any time before they [maybe] deport him or more likely, just release him into our public again. Expect more of this sort of thing, since there don't seem to be any negative consequences to be suffered. And, we can count on the total incompetence of the folks whose job it is to serve and protect US.

PS: I thoughtlessly forgot to give a hat tip to the place I found this article, The Stein Report, which has daily links to immigration-related articles. Dan Stein is from FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform, a group working actively for better (by which I mean tighter, more effective, border-controlling) immigration policies. Check out The Stein Report - very good!

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