Monday, November 13, 2006

Movie Review: Harsh Times

This weekend I saw the movie Harsh Times, starring Christian Bale, who looks hot and buff (and not emaciated like in The Machinist). But, ok, how did I feel about this movie…? Bale gave his usual intensity to the part of an Army Ranger returning from Afghanistan a changed man – and not for the better. Good supporting performance by Freddy Rodriguez as his old buddy from the ‘hood. But…I didn’t like the movie. Why? Hmmm. Maybe because I’ve seen Bale in other “man-on-the-edge” roles in other movies that were a lot better. Like American Psycho. In that, Bale actually brought humor to a really extreme role (that I understand didn’t originally call for humor). Maybe because his performance in this movie, although good, seemed a little forced, as noted by a reviewer on this site. Maybe because for a film on the cusp of two hours, it seemed to go on and on without a real point. This is definitely a one-time view.

If you like Christian Bale, I’d recommend some other of his films besides those mentioned above:

Reign of Fire (about the takeover of dragons)
Equilibrium (dystopic future)
Batman Begins (you know what this is about)

Tell me this: how come British and Aussie actors have no problem with the American accent, but we have few who can pull off a British/Aussi accent? What’s up with that?

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