Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Catch & release; repeat ad nauseum

This article confirms what I already suspected was the case: that those illegals actually arrested for other crimes (besides entering the country illegally, of course), are arrested repeatedly (about three-fourths of the sample):

The findings by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine are based on a sampling of 100 illegal immigrants arrested by local and state authorities in 2004, the latest complete data available. They show that 73 of the 100 immigrants were arrested, collectively, 429 times -- on counts including traffic violations and weapons and drug charges. (WaPo, January 9, 2007)

Um, do y'all understand my cynicism and despair at this issue? You can be one of those who sniffs glue and convinces yourself that all these illegals are benign, hard-working value-added units, but if you're sober you realize this is not the case. And the administration (plus every Democrat & every other Republican) wants amnesty with no border control, thus ensuring more illegals, thus more crime, more gangs, more drugs (because America just can't do without their drugs - wahoo!).

And we’re supposed to have faith in our leaders to uphold the law and protect us (that means, primarily American citizens) from criminals and invaders – and we certainly pay for that thru our taxes – and yet, this is the garbage we’re given. We cannot even be assured that those who have ignored our immigration laws, who have broken other of our laws (sometimes violently), who have been incarcerated for those transgressions – will be permanently removed from our country. Huh.

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