Monday, December 20, 2004

Idiot Motorists & My (2nd) Brush with Death

Those of you idiot motorists out there (and you know who you are) who don't bother to check the crosswalk when turning - be warned! I'm going on a pedestrian jihad!

Last night I was almost run over by one of you, who evidently didn't notice the red light or the little white walkie man giving me the friggin' RIGHT OF WAY. It took you several seconds and your car bumping into me...I guess eventually you would have had to have realize there was a living adult human crossing in front of you. Ah, but I'm sure whatever was causing you to rush on a Sunday night -booze, stupidity, lust, some dumb reality show, all of the above - was MUCH more important than traffic safety.

My first brush with death occurred catty-corned to this incident. Jeff and I were crossing the street, me bringing up the rear, when some asshead was turning while looking the other way. I was on his hood before he noticed. Jeff read him the riot act but good! That was actually funny.

The moral of this story is that just because you didn't maim/kill me these two times doesn't mean the next time - oh, and I'm sure there will be a next time - it won't happen. warned, you stupid, brain-dead motorists - the next time I cross the street after dark, I'm carrying a bat!

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