Thursday, December 02, 2004

So effective, it even kills the "mother"...

Evidently, RU-486 is not quite the wonder drug lauded by the pro-abortion types. Hat tip to Michelle Malkin for link to this article.

Update: My adorable Scooter & I had a lively discussion (reads: heated debate) about this article, specifically that (his point) RU-486 is actually safe & effective and that's the fault of the neglectful healthcare folks that women die from RU-486-related ailments. Here's my take:
1. Conceded. Neglect was involved by healthcare professionals in many cases of adverse effects noted in the article.
2. Conceded. My motives in our discussion were suspect: I personally don't want abortions to be any easier than they already are, and I'm not that concerned with dumbasses who die while killing their unborn young.
3. Follow this logic: use contraception as directed, insist your partner uses a condom, no pregnancy, therefore nothing to kill or infect, including oneself. Got it? Anyone with 2 little neurons to rub together understands this and follows suit.
4. For the sake of argument, though, if the manufacturers, abortionistas, and medical establishment are going to market and recommend this product as a safe & effective alternative to surgical abortion, than it should be actually so. Even though neglect was evident with Planned Parenthood, there are risks of serious complications even when administered properly. Does that sound absolutely safe to you? And regarding effectiveness, evidently in only 60% of RU-486 administrations is the full abortion achieved (so says the article). A second drug must be administered to make sure all the little bits and pieces of the destroyed child are expelled. Even then, some women must still undergo a surgical abortion to complete the ghastly task.

You've come a long way, baby!

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