Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Even More on Illegal Immigration...

- Follow-up on my earlier piece on the potential tax-payer funded day-laborer pick-up area in Herndon: Virginia gubernatorial candidate, Jerry Kilgore makes his opinion known about the issue:

Kilgore said the creation of publicly financed gathering areas such as the one proposed in Herndon undermines the rule of law and ‘denigrates’ citizens who immigrated to the country legally.

‘We face a fundamental decision in Virginia,’ Kilgore told reporters in a conference call. ‘Will we reward illegal behavior with hard-earned dollars from law-abiding citizens? I say the answer to this question should be an easy one: No.’ (Washington Post, 8/9/05)

I say, right on, dude. I don’t know much else about this candidate beyond his being Republican and anti-illegal immigration (a good start), but you can believe, gentle readers, that I will be well informed on his platform by November. Now, truthfully, it would be extremely unlikely for me to vote for a Democrat (again), but I’m not discounting the possibility of voting for a Libertarian or Independent candidate, PROVIDED he/she espouses enough of the same views I do on major issues (taxation, immigration policy and praxy, education, national and state security, for instance). That said I’ll probably be voting for Kilgore come November.

- Read more about the specifics of illegal immigration issues in Virginia here.

- In a related story, arrested MS-13 gang members who stabbed a bunch of students in Montgomery County, MD, are being held without bail. Good. Now, I understand that this gang has predominately Hispanic membership, so it surprises me not to read the following in this article:

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has filed documents to detain one of the suspects, Jose J. Cornejo, 25, an indication that he may have immigrated to the U.S. illegally. Wennar said Cornejo, who has prior convictions, would be tried in Montgomery before any handover to federal authorities. (Washington Post, 8/9/05, emphasis mine)

It doesn’t surprise me, but boy does it piss me off. Not only is he (come on now, he IS illegal), but also has a criminal record in this country. Yeah, where can we get more of these wonderful folks?! Well, our leaders in Washington, federal and local police, in addition to the pro-illegal lobby (racket), are making sure this country is the garden spot for such undesirables. Come on in, the water’s warm!

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