Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Morning Lost

So, I studied like crazy yesterday (took the day off work even), got up early today, for a test I was supposed to have this morning. I check Blackboard, just in case the prof had postponed it and - nothing. So, I metro and grab the shuttle...go to the classroom...and a grad student walks in and tells us that the prof is out sick and our exam will be tomorrow instead.

So...I wasted an entire morning because of a completely irresponsible prof, whom I'm paying a lot of money for this stupid class and some notional professionalism. I tell you, every day she pisses me off a little more (make that A LOT more) and I lose even more respect for her. Worse, I have to get thru the class so that I can do the full degree, and after this, I have umpteen classes to go, plus what's likely to be an unpaid internship - before I can graduate. And get a real job in my field. Maybe. And probably still take a huge pay cut from what I was making at my last job. And the job satisfaction and sense of mission that I seek may still be non-existent.

And, I still have to find a job for when my contract runs out at the end of the month. And we might be moving apartments a month. No, no stress here. No depression and lack of motivation here. Everything's just peachy.

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