Monday, March 06, 2006

News items today

First: the Supremes done good by upholding that whole thing about military recruiters on college campuses and withholding federal funds from the colleges who refuse to allow such recruiting. More eloquently and completely explained here. I just love that. Of course, you know all the hubbub came from law schools. Figures.

Second: Federal and DC law enforcement, et al, coordinate efforts to get the pimpin' dirtbags who recruit little girls. I fully support 1) getting the scumbags and throwing their asses in jail and 2) various entities cooperating to get said scumbags. Although, it does surprise me that DC in particular could get its act together to do anything particularly effective, much less cooperate with anyone else to do it...but that's probably a personal prejudice (I mean at times they have problems collecting garbage - literally). Read all about it here. The coordination is a positive thing, but when you read about the m.o.'s of these guys - well, it's just sickening and I recommend the "tazing until dead" option, but alas, the District doesn't have the death penalty and I doubt they would taze them anyway. Bummer.

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