Sunday, March 05, 2006

An observation and a few pet peeves

If you want to try whiskey/scotch, drink it neat. Ice really messes up the flavor. Don't put soda in it either - it's gross.

A perennial favorite - slow and/or clueless people on the metro: move like you have a purpose, that you realize there are other people behind you, and that no one died and made you deity. Don't ever stand on the left, period. Further: don't do that and get miffed because others (who have a purpose and direction) are brushing past you looking very irritated. They have a reason.

Next: if you are at a store or stand-in-line restaurant (Cosi comes to mind) at a busy time, do NOT stand there counting out your change in pennies (or rooting around your purse/pockets for change) while herds of other customers are waiting. This would seem to be common sense, but alas, I see it on a regular basis. As in "I'm the only important customer here and everyone will just have to wait for my precious self to locate notional exact change." I'm surprised there haven't been violent incidents over this sort of behavior.

Finally, when I order a grande soy latte, don't give a grande hot soy milk, mkay? Clean out the ears and pretend you want to keep this job.

That's all for now. End communication.

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