Tuesday, June 05, 2007

On feminism

The other evening we had some guests for dinner and the topic of feminism came up. I made a face showing my distain. After the fact, I realized that my DH Jeff knew exactly in what context and from what attitude my distain came...because he's been around me awhile and he knows me. But others may be a little confused about my expression.

When "feminism" meant (if, indeed, it ever did) universal suffrage, full participation in one's country governance and political life (including holding office), equal pay for equal work, equal protection under the law, etc, then I say, "Go team!" But because it's become synonymous with "abortionista," (that is, the attitude that abortion rights are essential to women's power, an unalienable right, essential to women's health - I mean give me a break), with perpetual victimhood (the patriarchy! the patriarchy!), equal quantities of men-bashing, the NOW folks, etc - well, that's when I make the face. Come on, grow up.

OK, gotta go. I'm trying to get my thoughts out there...

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