Saturday, September 01, 2007

Alcohol-induced insomnia...

...has the most surprising results. Last night, we went out for a good-bye dinner for a friend and we imbibed. As is the case sometimes when I imbibe a bit much, I woke up very early and couldn't get back to sleep. Well, this occurred at 4:30am this morning, and I decided - no benefit to just lying here, so I pulled on some clothes and went running. It wasn't even light yet. Yet, I was perfectly clear-headed and energetic. For those of you who know Arlington, you'll know the distance I mean when I say I ran to the Ballston Gold's Gym and back. It was something I was wondering about - how long it would take me to run to that gym, as my classes are in the Ballston area.

I report: 1) the run didn't take that long, 2) it was absolutely PERFECT temperature and humidity level, 3) besides a handful of stragglers from Friday night, I saw another female runner doing her morning constitutional, as well as a cop car speeding up and down Wilson/Clarendon Blvds. Funny thing: DH Jeff didn't even realize I had left I told him when he finally woke up.

Parting shot: why is it that it usually takes a crowbar to get me out of bed at 7am, but sometimes alcohol provokes a cheery and energetic pre-dawn awakening?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very funny that you talk about this. I have the exact same problem and wake at the same exact time as you. I can almost set my watch to it now, I go out and have a few drinks and BAM I'm awake at 4:30 in the morning. Not always the best thing for my work days, but I don't drink very often and even less now that I have this problem. It developed for me about 2 years ago.