Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weird Science

Last night, DH Jeff & I had sake. This morning, as evidence of how my strange brain works, this memory popped into my head:

Several years ago, DH Jeff (then DBF Jeff) and I were living in what's pejoratively known (for good reason) as "the Arlington Slums" or Howard Manor Apartments, where any semblance of "climate control" is mere wishful thinking. We had heated up some sake in a whistler kettle and finished it, but hadn't rinsed it out the kettle. Yeh, lazy. Then a week went by and I wanted to heat some water for tea. I shook the kettle to see if there was still and water in it (short memory); no water sounds. So, I removed the lid and what do I see? A tiny kingdom of blue-green towers. For real. Jeff had to see this one. Thank goodness I looked before putting adding water.

Reminds me of a Simpsons episode where an entire micro-civilization grows in a petri dish.

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