Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The change you deserve

I pretty much knew this would happen. For those of you who chose - for whatever misguided reasons - to vote for Obama and the rest of the Dems: you'll now get the change you deserve...mind you, you may not like what you get. Of course I can envision across-the-board blame of Bush for every disastrous decision the new administration makes. It would be no surprise. So gloat, morons.

As for me, I'm going to try to make as little money as possible while still paying the bills. I don't consider confiscatory taxation "patriotic," I consider it punishment for working hard. Heck, I might just apply for unemployment - I've been paying into the system long enough. Maybe I can be an Honorary Poor person. Or maybe I can get a government job - because you know that government will be expanded greatly under the new administration.

Ah well.

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