Friday, November 14, 2008

A little rant

Well, it would seem that a couple of throw-backs to the Soviet era have moved onto our floor in the last few months. What's my support for that assertion? The ever-present, invasive stench of some foul brand of cigarettes (Victory Cigarettes? Get it - 1984?).

Those of you who know me know that I detest cigarette smoke. Usually smokers in this building keep their detestable habit to themselves, ie, in their apartment, so one doesn't smell it in the halls. Well...I know not if this couple smokes in the halls (a no-no) or not, but one can smell the stench upon exiting the elevator and all through the halls. We can even (bonus!) smell the rank odor INSIDE our apartment, coming beneath the door. We've taken to puting a bath towel and other block to keep the smell out. Doesn't work! Even when the couple is at work, the halls smell of STALE Victory Cigarettes. Oh, the joy!

Now, I've complained to the management about this. They've visited the floor and our apartment. They've brought an engineer. They've promised a solution. Well, I don't think it's the air circulation system that needs fixing. They may end up installing a blocking lip to our door threshold. But that means that the halls will still reek.

Those nasty things can't kill our neighbors fast enough.

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