Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Some More Notes on Vaykay

Some general observations while in Key West:
- Many of the dogs I saw down there were very fluffy, long-haired.  Now, if you have temperatures in the 90s with high humidity for several months of the year, why would you have furry dogs - isn't that a bit sadistic?  Those poor pooches looked so miserable!
- Big surprise - the vast majority of folks (guests) at the resort were in really crummy shape.  Soggy middles, big cellulite, thunder thighs, etc, etc.  And not all those there were American - I heard some French & German being spoken.  Ha!
- Many of the, um, "men" with the aforementioned "soggy middles" were strutting around like God's Personal Gift to Women. Huh?  It was truly something. 
- The French family I noticed spoke only French and really loud.  Or maybe it was just my rather negative attitude towards the French which made it seem like they were obnoxious...in my country.  Heh. The German I ran into (not literally), only the other hand, was polite & his English was very good.
Well, there are all my observations for the time being.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In the interests of fairness, I must point out that the loudest, most irritating people (at least to me) at the resort were fellow Americans. One gorilla haird specimen of chubby manhood insisted on cigars in the morning (on the beach, of course) and loud cellphone calls all day. And, of course, the beach was pretty small so you didn't have a lot of flexibility as to where you could layout or how much distance you could put between yourself and others.
Gosh, I'm so progessive :-)