Friday, July 16, 2004

Why I'm a Conservative (part 1 of an ongoing series)

Those who know me knew that I would be getting down to political business at some point. Here's the start... I choose the term "conservative" instead of "Republican" because so many so-called Republicans are just too liberal for my taste.  Oh, and these are not in any particular order.  Onward!
You know I'm a conservative because:
1.  I have a barely controlled impulse to bitch-slap the next person (esp. female) who states proudly, "I'm pro-choice!"  Now, what would that choice be, per chance?  The choice to ignore the piles of contraceptives available in this country?  The choice not to insist on condom use?  The choice to be proud of something that involves the death of a helpless human being for convenience sake?  The choice to flush your own flesh-n-blood and then whine about how tough the decision was?  The choice to march in bonehead demonstrations for "women's lives"?  Lookie here at some LOGIC - viruses are many times smaller than a sperm cell, so naturally any discussion of women's lives in this context would involve discussion of condom use to prevent HIV transmission, etc, which coincidentally would also prevent pregnancy.  So...the whole abortion-RoevWade thing is moot.  N'est-ce pas? 
And for the record, overturning RoevWade would not "outlaw abortion," it would result in each state deciding how they want to handle the issue.  Oh, and I didn't hear a peep of you NOW types when Norplant was taken off the market.  I guess that whole prevention thing doesn't "empower" you as much as destroying your fetus.  My bad.
And by the way, I'm not "Pro-Life" or "Anti-Choice" - I'm anti-abortion.  No slogans, just description.  
 (to be continued...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And if you were raped would you have the child...think about it!!! You would despise that child every day of their life and yours!