Thursday, July 22, 2004

Yesterday, Revisited

Days like yesterday should not happen too often.  Horrible.  No workout, lame blogging.  Work, work, & last minute work.  Irritating people.  Missed deadlines.  Unreasonable demands.  Yuck.

Upon meditating on my experiences, I realized:  you can't expect people to act other than themselves; therefore, it is useless to get angry or upset when they act exactly like themselves.  What I mean by that is that if they were always likely to cave on what they previously said or promised in the past, it is futile to expect they adopt some gonads and stand firm (uh, heh) on their words.  If they are unreliable and flaky in the past, chances are you can expect more of the same currently.  To expect otherwise and become upset  is doing yourself a disservice and won't change them one iota.

Ponder this as you encounter such boneheads today, and be at peace with yourself.

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