Monday, May 29, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Two articles in the Post today regarding two different kind of home issues. The first one (in the Metro section) concerned Central Union Mission’s plans to build a homeless shelter in an area of DC that is currently being gentrified from its seedy, run-down former life. Current residents there – both long-time and new – are protesting strongly. They claim lower property values and attraction of the former elements into the neighborhood as reasons why they don’t want the shelter there. Can’t say I blame them. When has the presence of a shelter raised property values, attracted any desirable elements or increased the safety of the particular area? I’d be out protesting if the same were considered in my neighborhood. I pay the rent I do, in part, because I don’t want be anywhere near the dregs of my society. I don’t care how they got there, that’s their problem. I don’t want to be reminded that a chunk of my tax dollars has in fact perpetuated the conditions that those tax-supported social programs were supposed to eliminate. Call it elitist or whatever, I don’t care.

The second article concerns the renovation of old buildings in alleys in DC – to be used as private dwellings – and how these owners are running into zoning problems. DC has an old law prohibiting the use of alley buildings for residences, dating back to a time when there actually were good reasons against that use. There was a time in which there were essentially shanty towns plugged into alleys (without plumbing – you draw the icky sanitary conclusions). Um, but those days are over and the zoning laws have not kept pace with the advent of indoor plumbing and heating, not to mention creative and perseverant home owners (some have to constantly discourage public urination, defecation, etc. in these alleys). Now, these folks are basically taking abandoned or decrepit buildings and giving them new life – and I would think, raising the property values in the area, generally. So…what’s the problem? It’s DC, folks. Draw your own conclusions. Or read the article and draw your own conclusions.

Incidentally, a smelly female vagrant solicited a dollar from me at my CVS. I said no. I should have said, “no, go find a liberal who gives a damn about your sorry, stinky life to give you a dollar so you can buy your smokes. And for the record, this is isn’t Southeast DC, so kindly find your way back.” That, or “so, when do I get to live off your labors, indefinitely?” “Pay any taxes lately?” “A year from now, will you still be in the same disgusting condition?” “I guess you must be pissed that illegal Hispanics are stealing your fire, eh?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw your post and was amused by your overt slam on DC's garbage street culture. Perpetual handouts ruin breeding a culture of people with their hands out. I call them outdated social experiments....still missing a chromosome. This city is still upside down.

I wish someone would stand-up against all the protected bigots and scammers at DCRA with such outright disgust.