Friday, May 12, 2006

Muslims in American Society

Not a whole dissertation, but a few comments. A few days ago I read an article about the creation/concept of Muslim sororities at colleges. Then while working out the other day at the gym, I spy a hijab'd woman taking a step aerobics class. And, of course, there are plenty of head-scarf girls at my small Catholic college.

Now, it seems to me that these things may be a sign of assimilation with the larger American society and culture, not necessarily an invasion. As long as those proposed sororities aren't havens or incubators for know where I'm going with that...can't Muslim girls socialize and join clubs that mirror their interest and sensibilities? Sure, why not? Can't a woman wearing a head-scarf exercise beside one in a t-shirt and shorts? Sure, why not? As long as both accommodate the other's presence. Can we as a culture accommodate difference in the individuals who make up that culture? Sure, we're good at it.

And the fact is, we have been doing that since our inception - accommodating differences. And yeh, Muslims have been assimilating for years - 9/11 brought the malevolent ones to the fore-front. I guess I just found it interesting and not necessarily threatening, these manifestations of faith(?) in the everyday.

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