Friday, May 19, 2006

Listen up

Read an interesting article today in the Post about how some (in this case, a priest) are advising Nicaraguans and Hondorans to renew their TPS (Temporary Protected Status) before the June 1st deadline so they can remain in this country legally. Now, whatever you think of the particular legislation (or it's repeated renewability), it's at least a legal vehicle by which some folks can stay and work here. And, it's refreshing that some are making an effort to get advise those in their sphere of influence to do the legal thing. With some of the targets, at least, it's making an impression. However, with many, it appears that there is this dumb optimism, encouraged in part by Bush and his wishy-washiness on immigration, that they can just wait it out until amnesty is bestowed upon them. Like, it'll happen just like that, any day now. Uh-huh. Do we really need more ignorant peasants in our country? Don't we have enough dumbasses as it is?

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