Thursday, May 11, 2006

Posting While Applying Make-up

I'm happy to report that I received an "A" for my Chemistry efforts! Yeah! Now, I'm totally free!

It's going to be rainy and 66 degrees out which makes me just want to go back to sleep in my cozy and dry bed instead of braving the elements. You know, (on a another random thought) I think I'll pick up a bunch of umbrellas today as I'm so likely to lose or destroy them. Might as well have a supply.

My herb seeds have sprouted. That's not code for anything, I just planted basil, etc, seeds and they're already showing and growing towards the sun in our lovely southeastern-exposed window.

Evidently, (according to DH Jeff), there's an article in the Post today about backlash regarding those stupid illegal marches. I'll have to link to it later, but must scurry to work.


Later: here's the link to the story referred to above. Shows all immigrants are not of the same mind as the marchers.

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