Monday, August 23, 2004

Questionable Parenting?

About a year ago on a different blog, I gave the following account of delinquent parents:

"When dining out, please secure both your toddler. The other night, I actually witnessed a couple allow their small child to roam around a restaurant, getting under foot of the servers and patrons, while they (the "parents") nonchalantly had cocktails and appetizers. Now, what's wrong with this picture? First, it shows no concern for the safety of the toddler or anyone else for that matter. It's a trip to the ER waiting to happen. Second, if you take your kid to a restaurant, it's YOUR responsibility to actually parent, ie, control him/her - not the restaurant staff's. How is that hard to follow? More later on other great parenting skills..."

Evidently this species of parent is alive and well. This Saturday morning, my scooter Jeff & I were having coffee & bagels at Cosi. There were two very energetic little ones racing around, screaming & squealing with delight. Now, people generally don’t go to Cosi to supervise others’ kids. But that seemed to be the expectation of these bonehead parents. I decided to not stew about it like I usually do, and asked the mother if she would corral her kids. You know what she asked me? “Oh, are they getting out of hand?” You should have seen my jaw drop. I felt like shaking her and reminding her that she – not we – is the parent & that she should probably know what her own spawn are doing. Well, the couple – and I wasn’t being sexist by talking to the mother – she was just closer at hand – left shortly and blessedly after my request.

I'm still shaking my head over her response.

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